Format: Manuscripts are not to exceed 6,500 words excluding references. Provide an
abstract of 100 words. Include a list of 3 to 5 key words describing the main
subjects discussed in the manuscript. The submission will be blinded at RBJE prior to be sent for review.
Use a standard typeface and size such as Times News Roman 12 pt.
Author’s name, affiliation, address including E – mail, including acknowledgement should appear in separate page.
Style: Sources cited appear in parentheses after each reference (direct or otherwise),
giving authors name, year of publication, (Mahajan, 2012 ,).
Enclose quotes of 40 or fewer words in double quotation marks in the text;
indent quotes longer than 40 words in block format. Page numbers must be given.
List all sources alphabetically at the end of the manuscript under the heading
References using APA style.
Footnotes are not allowed, and the use of endnotes is discouraged.
Graphics: Number tables and figures with Arabic numerals and provide each on a separate
page at the end of the manuscript. Indicate placements of figures and tables in text.
Submitting: Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as E-mail attachments, the preferred
file formats are Microsoft Word.
Research Notes: This section provides means of reporting on smaller research projects that
have one or two findings of particular interest.