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M.Sc (Environmental Sciences)

M.Sc (Environmental Sciences)


In present times when global warming, air pollution, and plastic waste are major problems worldwide, environmental science is becoming an increasingly valued and relevant degree to both work in Private as well as in Government sector. Although it is a young and emerging discipline of science, it combines elements of the key traditional fields of Biology and Chemistry and is widely recognized as a rigorous and academic degree. Hence, it is an interdisciplinary approach by including physical, chemical, biological as well as socio-cultural aspects of the environment. It helps in building a bridge between biology and technology. There are other branches of environmental science like atmospheric science which focus on the Earth’s atmosphere. Another is ecology, the study of how organisms interact with the environment and which focuses on chemical alterations in the environment, such as water pollution and soil contamination which is also known as environmental chemistry.

Environmental Science basically deals with the scientific study of environmental system (air, water, soil and land), the inherent or induced changes on organisms and the environmental damages incurred as a result of human interaction with the environment. It also deals with the study of technical processes involved in the protection of environment from the potentially deleterious effects of human activity and improving the environmental quality for the health and well beings of humans (Environmental Engineering). Main objective of Environmental Sciences education is to emphasize the importance of sustainable development i.e., economic development without degrading the environment. Hence, it covers the areas as environment and enterprise objectives, scope, and structure of the environment, interaction of nature, society and the enterprise, environment impact assessment, economics of pollution, prevention, environmental management standards etc.

Fieldwork and Laboratory work are core element of studying environmental science and as part of the degree, students will learn about various environment interactions & how to analyze various samples to interpret the results and to contribute significantly in the Environment conservation & management.


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Academic Records

    • The student has cleared all the courses prescribed for the program.
    • The student has obtained at the end of every semester SGPA of at least 4.5 for Diploma & under graduate courses and SGPA 5.0 for post graduate courses. (For M.Pharm, B.Pharm, D.Pharm, B.Pharm (Practice) Courses, SGPA will be 5.0).
    • The student has obtained a minimum CGPA of 5.00 for Diploma & under graduate courses and CGPA 5.5 for post graduate courses.
    • The student has not taken more time than specified for completion of the course.
    • Student has satisfied all the rules of evaluation.
    • No case of indiscipline or unfair means is pending against the student.
    • No dues are pending against the student.

    Controller of Examination Department,
    Academic Block, Rayat Bahra University,
    Kharar, Mohali.(Punjab)
    Phone No. 0160-5009665,75,71

    Beneficiary Name: Controller of Examination Rayat Bahra University
    Account No. 19341131000261
    Bank Name: Punjab National Bank (e OBC)
    IFSC CODE: ORBC0101934
    Place: Sahauran (Mohali)

    Academic documents requests are usually processed between one and three business days. During periods of high volume, it may take longer. All charges are nonrefundable. Document requests will not be processed for students with financial obligations to the university.